Sunday, April 16, 2017

Lighting Blog 1

Stephanie Mercado
Professor Smith
Drama 50 C
14 April 2017
Lighting Blog #1

            For my first Lighting Design blog, I decided to go with one of my favorite pass times. . . drinking and making coffee.  I decided to go with this particular picture because it does not only capture in great detail the coffee pouring out of the machine, but it also captures the light.  You can see that the light is bouncing off the machine, but if you take a closer look, you can also see the light being captured on the coffee towards the top.  The intensity of the soft, bright, white light, gives the feeling that coffee shop might be busy, but at the same time, there is a sense of calmness.  Like any coffee shop that you enter, the light is always a key role in how the environment is perceived.  Coffee shops tend to go for a warm rustic feel with their lighting, which is achieved by dimming the lights and lowering the intensity of them.  Coffee shops also tend to use natural light that is being brought in by the windows; this causes the environment to feel still and balanced.  Although, you may still be able to see the hectic lifestyle outside the windows of the coffee shop, the inside remains calm with the lighting that is being provided.  The picture captures the machine showcasing intense white light, but the coffee’s light remains minimal, thus creating a relaxed vibe.

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