Thursday, April 27, 2017

Light on a Tapestry

It baffles me how light can travel so far. I'm sitting in my bedroom, staring at this small desk lamp that is facing the wall. The light is bouncing off mostly white wall and a small portion of a dark colored tapestry. The light it emits has soft edges, so it doesn't seem to have an end. The light hitting the corner of the tapestry enhances the colors of it, especially the magenta, purple, and blues. As the light travels across the tapestry, is hits wrinkles, creating streams of more vibrant colors and sections of muted colors. I attempted to take a photo but the camera couldn't adjust to see what I can see with my naked eye. I picked out this tapestry and I look at it every day, but it took this assignment to get me to appreciate how beautiful and profound it really is.

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