Friday, April 14, 2017

Light and Driving

My observation doesn't necessarily have to do with a specific experience I had with light, but rather the way in which I observed how light is used and its importance to driving. Earlier in the week I was driving home near dusk and had to turn on my headlights. At first I was noticing how the lights allowed me to see what was ahead of me and drive more safely, but as I continued to observe, I realized just how significant light is to notify drivers. The light of a turning indicator signals to other drivers that you intend to turn or change lanes; brake lights let you know when the cars ahead of you are stopped or slowing down; headlights indicate that a car is approaching - all things that are pertinent to the safety of you and those around you. The color of the lights on a traffic signal also have meaning and are used to organize traffic and tells the driver how to respond. It was very interesting to think about the many uses of light and how significantly it is used in something like driving which is an everyday task for many people.  

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