Friday, May 19, 2017

Street communication

I spend most of my time in my car, or at least it seems that way.  Where I work is not neighboring to where I live, which is not close in proximity to where I go to school, so I spend a lot of time driving.  I've become much more aware of how lights direct us, and saves us, on a daily basis. Obviously lights direct where we drive through traffic lights, and the headlights on our cars help us see ahead and warn we're coming towards others from distances, but they also are the quickest warners in times of emergencies.  I was driving from Anaheim to LA last night and I was really tired and on a personal autopilot.  My navigation led me a way I had not driven before and it was pretty confusing.  Out of the corner eye, even through the fast speeds, these little blue and white flickering scattered lights in the street floor caught my eye and forced me to change lanes immediately as there was large glass residue from what I assume was an accident from earlier. Traveling in fast speeds in the dark night, I instinctually knew that these little scattered abruptly placed lights in the lane served to warn me something was wrong and to avoid or at the very least be highly aware of the area.  I find it fascinating that it is human nature to recognize light as safety.  We trust light as it makes situations visible, but also recognize lights further as a trustworthy means of communication on the road especially.  There were maybe three or four tiny street lights flickering and yet I instinctually knew to avoid the lane and recognize that those little lights were warning me and trying to keep me safe.  Light is communication on the road.

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