Sunday, May 28, 2017

Laurence's Drag Show

On Saturday, I attended a drag show in the little theater. I mostly went to support friends, but I was blown away by the technical aspects of the show as well as the acting. Nina Agelvis was the lighting designer and I could see how much effort and skill she had put into the production. She used many moving gobos that drew attention to the main character and made it interesting to watch. What I was impressed with was the cyc. The cyc created so many different emotions and set the scene for many pieces. Laurence Turner was the main character and he played many different parts from different musicals. Thus, it was hard for some to distinguish some of the pieces especially if they did not have knowledge of musical theatre. For example, when he did a piece from Wicked, the cyc turned green, and when he reached a climactic part of the song, it was accompanied by spinning gobos. Lighting was a huge part of this show and I was impressed by how much it complimented the actors and suited each piece perfectly and kept it exciting.

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