Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Lighting in Eyes

Image result for Sun In Eyes

When it comes to lighting, we typically think of the general utilization of light, such as to light a theatre, a photo, or simply to guide your way.  For this post, I wanted to focus on something much more intimate, which is how the light hits an individual's eyes. Have you ever looked at someone's eyes when light hits them?  I think it is the most beautiful time because you can actually see not only how their eyes truly look, but it allows for a more intimate connection with the person, I find it quite mesmerizing.  When the light hits the eyes, it creates a light glow, as if the person is hit by a limelight with a medium intensity, from a straight angle. Lighting is very useful for many obvious reasons, but I find that lighting can also be the key to a connection with someone.  For example, when someone says to set the mood, they usually refer to the lighting, in this case warm, low, dim lighting.  Light has many uses and it is extremely versatile, but it also serves as a connector among people.

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