Wednesday, May 17, 2017

journal 3

I live in Newport Beach so going to watch sunsets is a luxury that I often get to enjoy. However, this quarter I've had to be on campus for more extensive periods than usual due to numerous performances, so I haven't had as many opportunities to go to the beach. This photograph is of the last sunset that I got to watch, about two weeks ago. I thought the patterns and the colors were incredible, especially the way the clouds blended so naturally from pink to orange and back again, and how the blue of the sky came alive against the colorful clouds. I also was captivated by how the light reflected off the water, again enhancing the blue while simultaneously showing the movement of the ocean. My favorite part about sunsets is how the lighting makes everything look softer; shapes of things are less blunt and everything seems to fit together with a natural cohesion that isn't normally the case.

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