Thursday, June 8, 2017

journal 5

This past weekend I went to Las Vegas with some friends for a premature celebration of the end of the year. We didn't get into the city until a little after 11pm, and we barely made it out of the car before we were running up and down the Strip, euphoric about having a weekend free of rehearsals or performances. I stopped in the middle of the sidewalk to take this photo, which admittedly doesn't capture all the illuminated buildings that Las Vegas holds but I wasn't trying to memorialize Trump tower so this was the best I could do. I was very intrigued by the amount of LED's used on all of the buildings; from Treasure Island to the Venetian, all of the buildings were glowing well into the night and made the strip look other-worldly. Even the concrete seemed lit up. It was very interesting seeing how lights could be used to give the entire city life and vibrancy.

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