Fairly close to fashion island lies this hidden gem I visited two nights ago - Corona Beach. Of course, the best and most romantic time to go to any beach is at night when nobody else is there, (remember that guys) but what I was stunned to find was the fantastic lighting the area had. One of the most peculiar parts was the lone rock that had a beam of light shining down on it from above. This light was caused by a mixture of warm and cold lights cast from the above palm trees on a cliff. Whether or not this was intentional is beyond me since only this one rock was lit, but it showed off how well a subject can be lit when mixing warm and cold lights from over what I would estimate to be around 500 - 800 feet in a straight line. The moon also provided great lighting as well and complimented this man made light by shining on the water through the filter of some clouds, so perhaps it was intentional. The combination and contrast that these two effects had did well to isolate the rock and make it very eye catching. - Matt Dinu
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