Yesterday I visited family and was trying to get some reading done in the evening. The back of the house is full of windows and screen doors that are like long windows. It was sunset and the light was really dim and nice, but for some reason through one window there was a glare that light was blaring in and hitting my face making it impossible to read. It was the same light from the same source (the sun) but the glare between the blinds of one window was so prominent and irritating. I got up and adjusted one of the individuals blinds that was caught that was allowing the light to enter in that spot on that specific window. The door screens that are like door-windows were maybe a foot of wall next to it and the light source was giving me no issues through there; it was beautiful. The positioning of light is so essential in establishing the perception you want to be perceived. From one position, it was not irritating and very faint. Just a foot next to it from the other window, however, the light was far from faint and far from peaceful. I snapped a separate pictures, the first through the screen doors, and the second through the blinds to show the difference in how the light was hitting me. Positioning can change a light's perception drastically.
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